AIWC & FAWCO Membership

As a member of the AIWC, you are also a member of FAWCO. Founded in 1931, FAWCO is an international network of independent volunteer clubs and associations comprising 57 member clubs in 28 countries worldwide. FAWCO serves as a resource and a voice for its members; seeks to improve the lives of women and girls worldwide, especially in the areas of human rights, health, education and the environment; advocates for the rights of US citizens overseas; contributes to the global community through its Teams and The FAWCO Foundation, which provides Development Grants and Education Awards. The organization is a global women’s NGO (non-governmental organization), and since 1997, FAWCO has held special consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council. 

FAWCO Target Program

The Target Program offers opportunities for local FAWCO Clubs to make a global difference. The program: 

  • Follows a three-year cycle of issue awareness and education, project selection, fundraising, project monitoring, review and evaluation. 
  • Demonstrates the power of FAWCO Clubs working together toward a common goal.
  • Increases knowledge and awareness of global issues affecting women.

In keeping with FAWCO’s Resolutions and Recommendations, Target Programs have the overarching goal of improving the lives of women and girls. The FAWCO Board, in consultation with The FAWCO Foundation Board, chooses Target Issues on a revolving basis through our four areas of interest: Education, Environment, Health and Human Rights.

For 2023 - 2025, our club is supporting the FAWCO Target Project, Awesome Blossoms.

If you are interested in becoming more involved with FAWCO, please contact our FAWCO Representative, Dana at to learn more. 


In an effort to open up a dialogue within FAWCO clubs about race in the aftermath of police brutality and killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor among other African Americans, AIWC FAWCO Rep, Laureen Scharps, organized a Zoom for all FAWCO clubs in September, 2020, with invited panelists Tonya Teichert, Diversity and Inclusion Chair, and Kanika Holloway, Presidents Coordinator to speak. 

Members: visit our Member Connections to watch the discussion

Our Speaker Series continued with:

If you missed the Women Speak Up About Race At Work speaker event, it is now available on video.

The Women Speak Up series is designed to educate and create a dialogue between club members about race.  We can only bring about change and raise awareness when we talk about race and act when we see racist behavior within ourselves, our communities, and our workplaces (as employees and volunteers). The panel discussion and workshop took place on Tuesday, October 12, 2021, with:


Laureen Scharps, FAWCO Representative, AIWC Frankfurt Taunus; and


Kanika Holloway, FAWCO 2nd V.P. and Businesswoman

Almaz Sullivan, Educator and Financial Services

Bayo Callender, President, AWC Stockholm and Esquire

The panelists shared their stories and analysis about racism at their workplaces which was followed up by a lively and interactive discussion. 

Members: See this video here


The FAWCO quarterly magazine Inspiring Women is available here and definitely worth reading!

Click on the cover below to read the February 2024 PDF version.

An Archive of Inspiring Women Magazine including the 90th Anniversary can be found here.

American International Women's Club e.V. -  Frankfurt, Taunus, Rhein-Main

+49 (0) 6171 580835

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